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Top 10 Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Distances have shrunk and we all are connected to this beautiful mess named Social media. Social media has greatly boosted communications and human empathy. It is an asset to human civilization since it has brought the entire globe together in one spot just into our hands. It is hard to envision an entrepreneur, a doctor, a learner, or anyone’s existence without social media. 

Technological advancement has revolutionized the communication between organizations and customers, that’s when social media marked its emergence into the marketing world. Several popular online business units have developed or are currently building their marketing strategies on social media marketing

1. Stories Will Be the Center of Attention 
Social media Stories are full-screen, vertical mobile movies and photographs that show outside of your usual feed and expire after 24 hours. They’re just short-lived, with one exception: some applications, such as Instagram, allow you to group them into collections for easy viewing. From a survey, we came to know that 76% of Facebook users, 83% of the Instagram user, and 87% of Snapchat users view stories daily 

Snapchat has been a great inspiration for this style that has swept all of the major social media platforms. Instagram, on the other hand, pushed this trend to the next level by bringing it to a bigger audience. Instagram presently has over 300 million daily Stories users. When it comes to enterprises, more than half of them use Instagram Stories every month. Here is the list that needs to be followed to improve your social media marketing in stories. 

Stories should be more strategic. 
By attracting your audience’s attention, they may be a wonderful approach to boost your engagement with them. It’s not necessary to maintain publishing Stories regularly. Start treating them like any other social media post and make a strategy for the coming week (or month). It’s now time to start being more strategic with the Stories you’re sharing. 

Keep up with the latest trends 
It is important to keep track of the trends that affect our publishing patterns. AR or GIF stickers, for example, have begun to appear and are more interesting for users. 

2. Promote through  Reels & Youtube Shorts 
Based on the current poll, 87 percent of businesses now use video as part of the promotional strategy. Making short-form films for TikTok, Reels, and Youtube Shorts is the latest trend, and every company should jump on board as soon as possible.  

Because there has never been a better moment for businesses to create bite-sized, digestible, and films. These films not only fit more readily into the ordinary consumer’s schedule, but they also allow marketers to generate short films and to the point without the overhead of a large production. 

3. Marketing Through Memes 
The human brain is built to handle visual information 60,000 times quicker than textual information. Because memes are fun, easy, and amusing to make, marketers have begun to profit from the meme craze. 

 Memes are used in Social Media Marketing for the following purposes: 

  • Showcase complex themes such as business culture in a unique way.  
  • Increase their audience’s engagement. 
  •  Inform people entertainingly and memorably.  
  • Make your brand more human by displaying personality. 

Memes generate a stronger response from viewers since they are designed specifically for social media. Memes are automatically shared as part of the digital experience, thus they are an excellent method to increase involvement. 

4. Chatbots 
Deep learning is a method used by chatbots in which a neural network analyses voice, data, and certain patterns, then transmits the data via layers of the network to produce precise responses each time the AI is presented with the same problem or query from users. 

Chatbots are smarter, faster, constantly available, and more effective for social media marketing because of advances in technology. Chatbots can save customer support expenses by up to 30%. With chatbots, 90 percent of firms experience faster complaint responses. 

5. Video content is ruling the Social media feeds 
Video contents, as the name indicates, are a type of social media marketing that involves the use of multimedia pictures, mostly on the web, to accomplish specific marketing objectives. It’s all about adding videos to your product promotional plans. Users spend 88 percent more time on video-rich websites.92 percent of mobile video viewers will share the content with others. 

Audiovisual material has a beneficial influence on sales, according to video marketing data. Tweets with videos receive three times the number of comments and retweets. One out of every four purchasers looks up YouTube videos on a product to buy it. Customers who watch a clip of marketing videos are more likely to buy one of the related items. 

6. Virtual and Augmented Reality 
Face filters are popular among younger social media users. People can use AR filters on social media platforms like Snapchat to turn their faces into animals or add components like fake beards or spectacles to their photos. But  Face filters, on the other hand, aren’t only for entertainment. 

Consumers may soon be able to conduct more online shopping through AR. Users may utilize augmented reality as browsing items on social media platforms such as Instagram. 

Businesses may simply advertise their brands on social media by using custom filters. Virtually trying on a thing provides customers a clearer understanding of how a thing will operate for them, which reduces purchase hesitations. As a result, merging social media marketing with augmented reality might help E-commerce businesses increase sales. 

7. The Influence of Social Commerce Will Be Enormous 
Social Commerce is a much more straightforward approach, especially since you can make use of features like chatbots, autofill payments, and shipping data. It is one of the biggest developments in social media.  

Nowadays in social commerce the sale of things directly through social media platforms. As you may expect, there are several advantages to this. Social commerce requires fewer clicks and taps over traditional e-commerce via a support site. 

8. Video Streaming in Live  
The live videos always have special expectations from the user. The live streaming will give the user a chance to interact with you directly like video calls or audio calls, which can increase the trust and promises of you and your brand. This is the social media marketing strategy handled by the business entrepreneur here we are listing some of the platforms where their live streams are mostly used. 

  • Youtube 
  • Facebook 
  • Instagram 

Many advantages can be useful for the businessman during a live stream which includes he/she can interact with the user anywhere and any time. As social media is very wide, the live stream can make more foreign relationships and collaborations.    

9. User-Generated Content(UGC) 
This is one of the trending social media marketing which is a more important one for the entrepreneur. The customer review is the most valuable content of all. The content is created by the user after using the products or the services of the entrepreneur on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. This encourages the target audience to trust you and try your services or product.  

10. Use Hashtags 
As a marketer, the first and foremost thing to remember whenever you hear the word social media marketing is the hashtags. Hashtags are the core of social media marketing. The main use of hashtags to get reach in social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.  

As per a survey conducted, the result shows that the usage of hashtags increased 80% in 2020. Hashtags can be to promote products and services all around the world. Using trending Hashtags can give more reach than normal.     

The evolution of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others is turning out to be a two-edged sword. But the advent of the digital world gives chances to unheard people with new possibilities to declare and feel themselves a part of the community. 

Social media marketing assists you in moving swiftly, to race against your competitors in all ways. If you are hoping to move your business forward Social media marketing is your right choice. Open your doors for success today, by learning and executing your marketing strategies into your business with help of social media.