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20 Tips to Improve Your Instagram Marketing Strategy 

As we see around, every person has at least one account on any one social media platform. Moreover, Facebook has the highest number of users; however, Instagram is the most popular social media platform, with over one million subscribers every month. Following this leading social media platform, it is certainly better to market your brand than on any other media. On account of customers, it will be much easier for the business to create awareness and promote your product at the same time effortlessly.  

Here are the top 20 tips; you have to consider taking your Instagram marketing to the next level. Well, before, create an account on Instagram to proceed further.  

1. Create a business account:
Unlike a personal account, use a business account to endorse your product or service. As business accounts give more benefits to improve your Instagram marketing strategy than your personal one does. So, through this, one’s business has managed to hit the top.  

2. Why did you open a business account?
Know exactly what defines your business account. Is it to create awareness about your product, or looking for leads, or just to open an account on social media, or to interact directly with customers? Chalk out your whole business strategy perfectly, before stepping onto Instagram.  

3. Who are you looking for?:
Average age of an Instagram user is said to be around 18 to 24, as they are very much active compared to any other age group. While 57% are 24-30 age users. Keeping this age factor in mind, one can actually improve their Instagram marketing by understanding their audience. On the whole, 72% of American teenagers are said to be ruling the Instagram growth.  

4. Build your profile:
It is important to build an authentic profile for your brand. Type a pristine and concise note on your brand, as it is going to gain people’s confidence in your product.  

  • Edit your profile> your name or the brand’s name (30 characters). 
  • Your username (30 characters). 
  • An attachment of a link or a website of your business.  
  • Choose the category: As you are on Instagram for business purposes, select business over other communities (blogger, entrepreneur, health/beauty, shopping & Retail).  
  • Contacting Options: Include your business’s official contact number, email address, business address, and other related information, so people could contact you over the phone, for a quick purchase or contract.  

5. Profile Picture:
Choose the right profile picture for your business account, as it is the first thing people note before purchasing or scrolling through your account. Make sure the picture is of high quality and has a distinct tag of your brand.  

6. Be consistent with your work:
Post regularly something on your brand, so somehow, people might know that your brand is a real one with a detailed trademark. The post can be about anything; a BTS post, tutorials, lifehacks, reels, quotes, instruction, or fact, but it should be only about your brand. 

7. Uniformity:
Besides, post content uniformly, in an aesthetic style. Therein it makes people recognize yours out of a myriad of posts. Have a specific color, scheme, look, and tagline for your business to be unique.  

8. Captions:
Write cool and succinct captions to underscore your brand’s personality. It can be short or long; yet, it has to be appealing and influential to make users believe that your business strategy is impressive. Instagram allows only 2200 characters in the caption box, so storytelling your brand in such a way that makes people expect you to post often.  

9. Use hashtags:
One of the important things to promote your brand is using popular hashtags. Depending upon the category of your business, choose captions aptly. Besides, photooftheday, instagood. Nofilter, tbt, tigers, picoftheday, love, and nature are top hashtags consisting of over a billion posts.  

10. Interact with your followers:
Always comment back on your follower’s suggestions, as it makes them think that we are active, and engaging towards our goal. Respond to or pin the top or instructional comments on your posts. On the other hand, do engage yourself with other similar business accounts for support.  

11. Put something on the story:
Apart from posting content inside the feed, come up with extra deets on the story section too. Moreover, one-third of the stories are business-related accounts. It allows people to view your story, and disappearances within 24 hours. Having that said, you can post anything, even a short story, reposts, ‘swipe-up’ stories, or interact with followers too, by using Instagram elements (Questions, poll, etc).  

12. Highlighting your stories:
On the other hand, to hold your stories for more than 24 hours, edit your stories in the highlight division, so people could see them anytime. Furthermore, have a consistent theme for highlights, as it will make your profile look even more attractive.  

13. Anticipating Content:
Promote posts that give people the anticipation of the next product under your brand. Use countdown and present ideas about your next product through interactive stickers that are available on the story. 

14. Live sessions:
To have face-to-face interaction with your customers, go live once in a while. This makes people trust and love your brand. Come up with Que & Answer sessions, so in this way, you can actually get to know about your potential customers and your business.  

15. Open your virtual shop on Instagram:
With the shop option on Instagram, enable your brand’s products to reach your customers timely.  

16. Capture Reels:
Create reels on your brand. Usually, people either surf their feed or reels during their leisure, so focus on the latter choice to earn followers effortlessly.  

17. Know the right time to post:
Surprisingly there is a timetable for a set of categories to post accordingly; it will reach a good amount of profiles. According to the reports; 

  • Travel and tourism: From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m, Friday. 
  • Media and entertainment: From 12 to 3 p.m, Tuesday and Thursday. 
  • Food and beverage: Friday, at noon. 
  • Retail: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, noon. 
  • Professional services: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9 or 10 a.m. 
  • Non-profit: Tuesday, 10 a.m. or 4 p.m. 
  • Non-retail e-commerce: Thursday, 4 or 9 p.m. 
  • Pharma and healthcare: Wednesday and Sunday, 9 a.m. 
  • Personal care: Thursday and Friday, 1, 2, or 3 p.m. 
  • Technology: Monday and Tuesday, 2 p.m. 

18. Try to partnership with other accounts:
Tag or repost other niche business accounts for a good review. Most businesses reach people through recommendations.  

19. Use trending elements:
Hashtags, emojis reposts, pictures will attract people’s first glance while opening Instagram.  

20. Instagram Ads:
You can target your customers, by opting for a specific location, demographics, interests, etc.  

In the abstract, you can observe insights into your business, which allows you to analyze your followers’ interests, aspects, and demographics. Ultimately, these 20 tips might help your business account, to become one of the engaging and influencing accounts on Instagram.